Pembelian Dan Distribusi Barang Di The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung
ABSTRAK Purchasing Departement di The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung merupakan bagian pengadaan barang untuk operasional hotel yang meliputi pembelian dan pendistribusian barang. Fungsi dari bagian pembelian adalah merencanakan dan mengkoordinasikan proses pembuatan Purchase Request (PR) sampai pada Purchase Order (PO) untuk kebutuhan semua departement di hotel. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pembelian dan distribusi barang di The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung. Proses pembelian dan distribusi barang terdapat beberapa masalah yang menghambat kelancaran kegiatan tersebut. Masalah yang timbul dari proses pembelian adalah terjadinya miss comunication, additional order dan kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Dalam distribusi keterlambatan barang akan menghambat saluran distribusi ini.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Proses pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan wawancara dan observasi secara langsung untuk mengetahui hasil dan kebenaran data. Pendukung kelengkapan data didapatkan dari hasil dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan adalah The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung dalam proses pembelian dan distribusi barang terdapat beberapa masalah yang menghambat kelancaran kegiatan tersebut. Maka dapat disimpulkan masih terjadi kesalahpahaman antara pihak penerimaan barang dan supplier serta karena hanya ada satu jalur dalam penerimaan barang di Kawasan Terpadu Trans Studio Bandung yang menyebabkan terjadinya barang yang tertukar antara The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung dengan Trans Studio Mall. Maka dari itu untuk pihak management follow up yang lebih cepat dari user terhadap bagian pembelian agar pada saat ada Banquet Event Order (BEO) yang mendadak bagian pembelian segera mengambil keputusan dengan cepat dan tepat. Kata Kunci: Pengadaan Barang, Distribusi Barang, Purhasing Department ABSTRACT Keywords: procurement of goods, distribut The Purchasing Department at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung is part of the procurement of goods for hotel operations which includes the purchase and distribution of goods. The function of the purchasing department is to plan and coordinate the process of making a Purchase Request (PR) to the Purchase Order (PO) for the needs of all departments in the hotel. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of buying and distributing goods at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung. The process of buying and distributing goods has several problems that hinder the smooth running of these activities. Problems that arise from the purchasing process are the occurrence of miss-communication, additional orders and lack of knowledge possessed. In the distribution of delays in goods will hamper this distribution channel. The research method used is qualitative. The process of data collection is done through interviews and direct observation to find out the results and the truth of the data. Supporting the completeness of the data obtained from the results of documentation and study of literature. The results of the evaluation conducted are The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung in the process of purchasing and distribution of goods several problems hinder the smooth running of these activities. So it can be concluded that there is still a misunderstanding between the reception of goods and suppliers and because there is only one path in the receipt of goods in the Trans Studio Integrated Area of Bandung which causes the exchange of goods between The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung with Trans Studio Mall. The author hopes a faster follow-up from the user on the part of the purchase so that when there is a Banquet Event Order (BEO) that the sudden part of the purchase immediately makes decisions quickly and accurately. Keywords: procurement of goods, distribution of goods, purchasing departmentDownloads
Program Studi D3 Perhotelan