Emotional Experience Di Gerai Kopi Lokal Dan Internasional Kota Bandung 2019


  • Mochammad Syafiq Hedyatna Telkom University
  • Edwin Baharta Telkom University
  • Vany Octaviany Telkom University


ABSTRAK Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu kota yang memilik banyak Gerai Kopi baik Lokal maupun Internasional tetapi Gerai Kopi Lokal masih memiliki kekurangan dari segi pemasarannya dibandingkan dengan Gerai Kopi Internasional seperti pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai sarana promosi mereka. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh indikator Emotional Marketing yang menyebabkan terciptanya Emotional Experience pada Gerai Kopi Lokal dan Internasional di Kota Bandung. Dalam indikator Emotional Marketing terdapat 5 aspek yang harus diperhatikan yaitu Product, Equity, Money, Experience dan Energy, karena hal tersebut penulis tertarik untuk meneliti dan mengetahui bagaimana indikator Emotional Marketing dan Emotional Branding dapat berpengaruh kepada Emotional Experience yang didapatkan oleh konsumen pada gerai Kopi Lokal dan Internasional di Kota Bandung.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, hasil akhir penelitian mendapatkan skor 9.090 dan berada dalam kategori setuju di garis kontinum dengan skor 77,61%. Maka indikator Emotional Marketing sangat berpengaruh terhadap Emotional Experience yang dirasakan oleh konsumen Gerai Kopi Lokal dan Internasional di Kota Bandung. Kata Kunci: Emotional Experience, Coffeeshop, Kota Bandung ABSTRACT Bandung City is one of the cities that has many local and international coffee outlets but local coffee outlets still have shortcomings in terms of marketing compared to international coffee outlets such as the use of social media as a means of their promotion. This research was conducted to determine the effect of Emotional Marketing indicators that led to the creation of Emotional Experience in Local and International Coffee Shops in the City of Bandung. In the Emotional Marketing indicator there are 5 aspects that must be considered, namely Product, Equity, Money, Experience and Energy, because the authors are interested in researching and knowing how the Emotional Marketing and Emotional Branding indicators can affect the Emotional Experience obtained by consumers at local coffee outlets and International in the city of Bandung. This research uses quantitative methods, the final results of the study get a score of 9,090 and are in the agreed category in the continuum with a score of 77.61%. Accordingly, the Emotional Marketing indicator is very influential on the Emotional Experience felt by consumers of Local and International Coffee Shops in the City of Bandung. Keywords: Emotional Experience, Coffeeshop, Bandung city






Program Studi D3 Perhotelan