Aplikasi Pengelolaan Persediaan Obat Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode FIFO


  • Ahmad Al Fayyaadh Telkom University
  • Tora Fahrudin
  • Renny Sukawati Telkom University


Abstract— Bina Insani Husada Clinic is a health clinic engaged in the sale of drugs and services including general examination services, dental examinations, MCH and Emergency examinations. This clinic provides medicines including powder medicines, capsule drugs, syringes and others. At present, the purchasing and inventory process still uses Microsoft Excel so processing inventory data is still not automated such as adding and reducing the amount of drug inventory and cannot be accessed simultaneously to people concerned. Therefore a web-based application is created using the Codeigniter Framework, Programming the Hypertext Prepocessor (PHP) and the MySQL database. design and application development using the waterfall method, which includes Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD). the application is able to automate Purchase orders, find out drug supplies using FIFO, produce general journals, ledgers and financial reports. Keywords— Purchase Order; Sales; Information System;






Program Studi D3 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi