Pengaruh Website Quality Terhadap E-purchase Decision Pada Website Custommice Project Tahun 2020


  • Arby Lukman Telkom University
  • Bethani Suryawardani Telkom University


ABSTRAK Kemajuan teknologi informasi telah mempengaruhi cara manusia melakukan proses transaksi 64.8% populasi diindonesia menggunakan internet tingginya pengguna internet sejalan dengan perkembangan ECommerce. Tercatat sebanyak 154 juta orang di indonesia melakukan kegiatan E-Commerce. Salah satu factor pendukung konsumen melakukan kegiatan E-commerce yaitu kualitas website. Kualitas suatu website dapat diukur menggunakan Webqual 4.0 yang berguna untuk menilai website e- commerce berdasarkan persepsi konsumen yang terdiri dari usability, information quality dan service interaction. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas website terhadap e-purchase decision menurut persepsi responden, untuk mengetahui Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif kausal, teknik sampling yang digunakan non probability sampling dengan jenis purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 100 responden dengan melakukan pendekatan Bernoulli. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif mengungkapkan besarnya nilai kualitas website 79.89% dikatakan dalam kategori kuat dan e-purchase decision sebesar 79,27% dikatakan dalam kategori kuat. Pengaruh Website Quality terhadap E-Purchase Decision sebesar 63.7% dan 36.3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam model penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : E-Commerce, kualitas website, E-Purchase Decision, Webqual 4.0 ABSTRACT Advances in information technology have influenced the way humans carry out transaction processes. 64.8% of Indonesia's population uses the internet. The high number of internet users is in line with the development of E-Commerce. As many as 154 million people in Indonesia carry out E-Commerce activities. One of the factors supporting consumers doing E-commerce activities is the quality of the website. The quality of a website can be measured using Webqual 4.0 which is useful for assessing e-commerce websites based on consumer perceptions consisting of usability, information quality and service interaction. This study aims to determine the quality of the website on e-purchase decisions according to respondents' perceptions, to determine the research method used is descriptive causal, the sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling type. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents using the Bernoulli approach. Based on the descriptive analysis, the value of website quality is 79.89% said to be in the strong category and e-purchase decision of 79.27% said to be in the strong category. The influence of social media marketing on brand awareness is 63.7% and 36.3% is influenced by other variables that are not explained in this research model. Keywords: E-Commerce, website quality, E-Purchase Decision, Webqual 4.0






Program Studi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran