Aplikasi Berbasis Web untuk Pencatatan Laporan Raba Rugi (Studi Kasus: Catering CV Fina Maju Mandiri, Bekasi)
The catering industry provides food services. A distinct part of the service sector that focuses on providing food, beverages, and related services is the catering service industry. A service company that has a business license in the field of catering is called Cipta Rasa Catering, as shown in the company CV. Fina Maju Mandiri located at Jalan Lubang Buaya No.Rt 02/09, Bekasi District, West Java. CV Fina Maju Mandiri established the business on July 4, 2011, with Company Deed No. 4. Cv Fina Maju Mandiri sells large food products such as rice and side dishes as well as drinks and other culinary delights. Cipta Rasa Catering started by taking food orders for workers at road construction projects and built a modest business from the ground up at the Bekasi District Office. Its first offer to serve lunch for company employees in MM2100 Industrial Estate Cibitung, Bekasi, West Java, came on April 18, 2012. Cipta Rasa Catering has been taking orders for weddings, circumcisions, and other Thanksgiving celebrations along the way. Purchases, expenses, and sales transactions are the transactions carried out at Cipta Rasa Catering. The process of recording transactions has several challenges, especially in terms of recording sales in cash by paying an advance payment first. The rest will be paid after the customer receives the catering, as well as other problems such as recording monthly expenses and financial reports that are still used manually or using a simple application, namely Microsoft Excel. So a web application program was created to manage expense transactions, cash sales or advances, and accounting reports including general journals, ledgers, and income statements to solve this problem.
Keywords— Catering Industry, Sales, Web-based Application.
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