Implementasi Smart Identification Menggunakan Perangkat Mobile Dengan Access Point


  • Muhammad Shifa Zulfikar Telkom University
  • Periyadi Periyadi Telkom University
  • Anang Sularsa Telkom University


Abstrak (5) Smart Campus telah berkembang di berbagai kampus yangtelah menunjangkemajuan teknologi ICT(InformationCommunication Technology) dan untuk mewujudkan smart campus diperlukannyalayanan yanglebih efisien,seperti sistemabsensi yangtidak perlu mengisi manual atau tertulis. Smart campus iniharusmengintegrasikan teknologi yangdigunakan mahasiswaagarsalingterhubung. Maka dari itu dibangun sistem Smart Identification untuk mengintegrasikan server dengan perangkatmobileyangdigunakan mahasiswa dengan memanfaatkan teknologi wire le ss. Smartidentification tersebutakan mengidentifikasi Mac addressyangterdapat pada pe rangkat mobile yang digunakan mahasiswa, dengan seperti itumakaakan lebihefisien untuk sistem absensi yanghanyacukup te rhubung dengan Access Point. Sistem smart identification akan menjadi dasar tata kelola user identification yang akan diintegrasikan ke sistem lainnya. Maka dengan sistem ini dapat menunjang layanan pada smart campus. Kata kunci: 6 kata kunci – Smart Campus, Smart Identification, MAC Address, Perangkat Mobile Abstract (6) Smart Campus has developed in various campuses that have been supporting the technological advancement ofICT (Information Communication Technology) and a smart campus to realize the need for more efficient services, such as attendance system which doesnot need to fill in manually or written. Smart campus must integrate the technology used so that students are connected. Therefor e builtSmart Identification system for integrating the server with a mobile device that is used by the student to take advantage ofwireless technology. Smart identification will identify the Mac address contained in the mobile devices used by the student, with as it will be more efficient for attendance system that just simply connect to the Access Point. Smart identification system will be the basis of governance of user identification that will be integrated into other systems. So with this system can support services on smart campus. Keywords: 6 keywords – Smart Campus, Smart Identification, MAC Address, Mobile Device






Program Studi D3 Teknik Komputer