Pemanfaatan Raspberry Pi Untuk Layanan Game


  • Munggaran Nurul Ihsan Telkom University
  • Anang Sularsa Telkom University
  • Duddy Soegiarto Telkom University


Abstrak Perangkat game portable memiliki harga yang cukup mahal dan dibutuhkan biaya tambahan apabila ingin menambahkan jenis permainan terbaru. Dengan harga yang lebih murah Raspberry Pi dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti game portable. Raspberry Pi adalah komputer yang memiliki ukuran sebesar kartu kredit. Raspberry Pi dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, seperti membuat dokumen, mengolah data dengan spreadsheet, menonton film, bermain game dan coding. Seiring dengan perkembangannya, banyak bermunculan proyek-proyek kreatif menggunakan Raspberry Pi contohnya Digital Picture Frame, Home Media Centre, Home Automation System, Micro Arcade Cabinet, Home Alarm System dan lain-lain. Penulis akan memanfaatkan Rapsberry Pi sebagai Game Server. Game Server akan diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan game ringan berbasis Flash yang diakses melalui jaringan WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). Client mengakses game melalui smartphone yang terhubung ke server. Pada server dibuat sistem monitoring yang berfungsi untuk memonitor mac address, ip address, waktu akses dan durasi dari client yang terhubung ke server. Pengujian kinerja Rapsberry Pi dilakukan dengan memakai parameter kinerja jumlah user dan response time. Hasil pengujian menunjukan Game Server berhasil dimplementasikan melalui pengujian dengan pengguna yang terhubung ke server melalui jaringan WLAN. Sistem monitoring berhasil diimplementasikan baik monitoring realtime maupun monitoring log. Dari hasil pengujian kinerja, Raspberry Pi layak dijadikan server dengan user di bawah 100. Kata kunci : Raspberry Pi, Game Server, Wireless Local Area Network, Monitoring. Abstract Portable game devices have a quite expensive price and it’s need an additional fee to add new games. Raspberry Pi has a lower price, it can be alternative to substitute portable game devices. Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers. Raspberry pi can be used for various purposes, such as making documents, process data with spreadsheets, watching movies, playing games and coding. Along with it’s development, many creative projects using Raspberry Pi, for example Digital Picture Frame, Home Media Centre, Home Automation System, Micro Arcade Cabinet, Home Alarm Systems. The author will use rapsberry pi as Game Server. Game Server will be implemented by using lightweight game based on Flash accessible through WLAN ( Wireless Local Area Network). Client can access game through smartphone that is connected to the server. Monitoring system is made to monitor mac address , ip address , access time and duration of client who connected to the server. Performance testing is using the parameter of the number of users and response time. The results of testing showed the game server successfully worked through testing by users who connected to the server. Realtime monitoring and log monitoring successfully implemented. The result of testing showed Raspberry Pi being used as the server for game sevice with less than 100 users. Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Game Server, Wireless Local Area Network, Monitoring






Program Studi D3 Teknologi Komputer