Pengaplikasian Teknik Emboss Yang Terinspirasi Dari Bangunan Hotel Savoy Homann Bandung Pada Busana Ready To Wear
Abstract This research based on fashion developments in recent times, it affects developments in the design of fashion products. This study uses a qualitative method with exploration through visual potential of hotel buildings, observation of Savoy Homann Hotels, interviews, literature studies through several books and information from the internet and exploratory experiments on surface techniques, emboss. Using potential lines of the emboss technique as the application of the visual building applied to ready-to-wear clothing. The application of shapes and colors based on history that could describe Savoy Homann Hotel Building in ready-to-wear fashion
Keywords Bandung, Ready-to-Wear, Savoy Homann, Emboss
Program Studi S1 Kriya