Pengolahan Pakaian Secondhand Berbahan Denim Untuk Produk Fashion Menggunakan Teknik Surface Textile Design Yang Terinspirasi Dari Jumputan Palembang


  • Nargis Fatimah Behesti Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


Abstract Many types of fashion products with well-known brands create Cimol Gede
Bage Market encountered by the consumer from many quarters, however, the condition
of its clothes is out of date. In contrast to the rest of the imported clothes made from
denim in Cimol Gede Bage market. Due to its design that never changed and the
material is strong, denim is sought after by consumers so the selling of denim is often
found in Cimol Gede Bage Market even though there are some defects in certain parts.
In fact, clothing made from denim has considerable potential to be processed into
fashion products, using surface textile , one of which was inspired by the Palembang
jumputan technique. The manufacture of this product started from the observation
phase to Cimol Gede Bage Market and conduct interviews for data collection, and
continued with a review of the literature through print media such as books, journals or
through trusted websites. After the data is collected, then the next phase is exploration.
Exploration used to determine the appropriate techniques to be applied on the denim
which will be reprocessed. From various of explorations that has been done, the
secondhand denim clothing that has been treated with surface textile design is very
appealing if applied to accessories products, especially such as bags and shoes.

Keywords : Denim, Cimol Gegebage Market, Surface Textile Design, Palembang Jumputan Technique






Program Studi S1 Kriya