Penerapan Kain Tenun Gedog pada Busana Ready to Wear berdasarkan


  • Vira Pritalia Telkom University
  • Rima Febriani Telkom University


Abstract The pattern of life "back to nature" has become the trend of the world community. This lifestyle
is based on everything that comes from nature is good and useful and guarantees a balance between
humans and nature. In fact, the product trends in environmentally friendly products are developing.
Even though lifestyle trends and the number of requests for environmentally friendly or organic
products are increasing, Indonesia is still relatively small in availability. Seeing the existence of
business opportunities, this study aims to be able to design a fashion business that can answer the needs
of consumers who live a healthy lifestyle "back to nature", namely fashion products that are
environmentally-friendly. The results of this study are manifested in the form of ready to wear
collections using traditional Indonesian textiles Gedog woven from Tuban Kerek which can answer
consumer needs, namely textiles with natural basic ingredients, namely cotton fiber.
Keywords: Healthy lifestyle, Gedog woven, Ready-to-wear






Program Studi S1 Kriya