Pengaplikasian Material Sisik Ikan Nilai Sebagai Embllishment pada Busana Modest Wear
Abstrack Tilapia is one of the important commodities of aquaculture in Indonesia. In West Java the type of
tilapia has the highest number of aquaculture production so that it produces quite a lot of production
residues such as tilapia scales that have the potential to be developed. On the other hand, the role of
decorative accents such as embellishment on clothing is increasingly in demand by the public. One of them
is the beading technique. There is also a type of embellishment material with the use of non-textile
alternative materials such as tilapia scales material against the background of the author to be applied as
an embellishment to modest wear which is now becoming a trend. The research was conducted using several
methods. Where the data is obtained in a narrative or descriptive form that is collected through direct and
indirect observation, interviews and explorations on embellishment's material. Techniques used include
beads, natural dye, laser cutting, and layering. This research is expected to provide alternative
embellishment from non-textile materials in the form of tilapia scales used for simple clothing with the aim
of increasing the potential of natural resources for tilapia scale by adding aesthetic value as an alternative
decoration material for simple clothing.
Keywords: nile tilapia, fish scales, embellishment, modestwear