The Application of Block Printing Technique to ULAP Doyo Fabrics
Abstract Block printing is a technique of creating motifs on cloth with the help of blocks and dyes. Block printing alone
in Indonesia is still rarely developed, even though block printing contains historical values and techniques that are passed
down through generations. Other hereditary techniques are found in the East Borneo region of the Ulap Doyo woven fabric,
this fabric is made from doyo plants that grow in the forests of Borneo and the motifs are made by the weaving-loom technique.
In addition to the Ulap Doyo motif, it is also available in the form of plain fabric with a light brown original color and has
a distinctive texture. This plain fabric has the opportunity as a textile medium from block printing technique. Collaboration
on the application of Ulap Doyo motifs on their plain fabric using block printing technique produces exploration to determine
dyes, coloring techniques that are appropriate to the fabric, size of motifs, and composition of motifs on fabric. Beside
through exploration, collecting data were also done by library study methods, interviews, and observations. The final results
of this study are expected to be able to introduce and develop block printing technique and Ulap Doyo plain fabrics to
produce cloth with a new visual form.
Keywords Block printing, Ulap Doyo, Motifs, Color