Perancangan Interior Depok Creative Hub


  • Muhammad Fikrissalim Telkom University
  • Titihan Sarihati Telkom University
  • M. Togar Mulya Raja Telkom University


Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________________ Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Depok yang pesat sebagai kota urban penunjang ibukota negara tidak terlepas dari perkembangan industri kreatif yang berada di dalamnya. Kontribusi ekonomi kreatif terhadap produk domestik regional broto (PDRB) di Kota depok telah mencapai 10,06 persen. Sumbangan terbesar adalah dari UMKM Kota Depok bidang fashion yakni sebesar 40,38 persen, kerajinan 29,60 persen dan kuliner sebesar 7,05 persen. Namun, kontribusi ekonomi kreatif tersebut masih belum terdukung secara optimal oleh pemerintah Kota Depok. Hal ini terindikasi dari banyaknya ajang kekreativitasan seperti acara musik, pertujukan tari, fashion show, bahkan pameran seni hanya diselenggarakan di pusat perbelanjaan. Berdasarkan permasalahan dan wacana pembangunan pusat kegiatan kreatif ditiap kota yang disampaikan oleh Guberner Jawa Barat, perancangan Depok Creative Hub perlu dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan kreatif para pelaku Industri Kreatif di Kota Depok. Merujuk dengan potensi SDM Kota Depok dan subsektor industri kreatif berdasarkan Bekraf,, Perancangan Depok Creative Hub akan difokuskan di Subsektor fesyen, kerajinan tangan, kuliner dan startup tech. Selain mewadahi kegiatan kreatif yang mampu memberikan tempat sehingga pengguna ruang terstimulasi menjadi lebih kreatif dan produktif, tujuan dari perancangan Depok Creative Hub mengangkat semangat berwirasusaha dalam industri kreatif. Kata Kunci: Pusat Kegiatan Kreatif, Perancangan Interior, Industri Kreatif Abstract ___________________________________________________________________________ The rapid economic growth rate of the Depok city as an urban city supporting the national capital is inseparable from the development of the creative industries that are in it. The creative economic contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) in Depok City has reached 10.06 percent. The biggest contribution from UMKM Depok is in the fashion sector which is 40.38 percent, 29.60 percent craft and 7.05 percent culinary. However, the contribution of the creative economy is still not optimally supported by the Depok City government. This phenomenon is indicated by the number of creative events such as music shows, dance shows, fashion shows, even art exhibitions are only held in shopping centers. Based on the problems and discourse on the development of creative activity centers in each city delivered by the governor of West Java, the design of Depok Creative Hub needs to facilitate the creative activities of Creative Industry person in Depok City. Referring to the potential of Depok City's Human Resource and the creative industry subsector based on BEKRAF, the design of the Depok Creative Hub will be focused on fashion, handcraft, culinary and tech startup sub-sectors. In addition to accommodating creative activities that are able to provide a place so that stimulated space users become more creative and productive, the purpose of designing Depok Creative Hub elevates the spirit of entrepreneurship in the creative industries. Keywords: Creative Hub, Interior Design, Creative Industries






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior