Penerapan Penggabungan Teknik Batik Dan Ikat Celup Pada Tenun Gedog Dengan Inspirasi Motif Lokchan Khas Tuban


  • Egy Fitri Rayani Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


ABSTRACT Batik Gedog Tuban is one of the coastal batiks has a unique decoration from Tuban, East Java. The ornamental variety often called the Pesisir Batik has a center of batik in East Java that was wellknown by its ancient stroke techniques. Tuban Batik is identical to the surface technique by written batik who has existed hereditary, Although in Indonesia has many surface techniques also related by the technique of processing background materials including a resist-dyeing technique that will rise certain patterns or motifs. The type of resist-dyeing technique used in this attempt is Jumputan. The jumputan type has shown the tie-dye technique of batik has the same character with the processing technique surfaced. This attempt has been no application of the tie-dye on Tuban batik. The dye tie technique which had done by handmade also has advantages of producing shapes that wouldn’t be the same as each other. This study aims to create a technique by inserting techniques over Tuban batik with a cross dip technique including a tie or folding technique that is also integrated with a written batik stamp technique or applying a typical tuban white batik technique, also does not change the pattern significantly. The variety inspiration of Tuban Batik has adapted by a touch of novelty in accordance and a development trend that exists without the batik value needed. In producing novelty processes or new variations that are more varied and interesting for the world of renewal traditional batik fabrics needed in Indonesia. Keywords : Tenun Gedog, Tradisional Tuban Ornamental Variety






Program Studi S1 Kriya