Pengaplikasian Teknik Beading Dengan Inspirasi Mahkota Suntiang Pada Busana Ready-to-wear Deluxe


  • Edrina Zahra Amalia Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Agustina Siagian Telkom University


ABSTRACT This research focused on processing beading technique using suntiang crown inspiration. Based on the result of the reseach, the writer see suntiang crown has the beauty and weath in each of its constituent elements. Suntiang is not only intented to beautify the usage, but it contains the cultural, social, religious and physical symbolic meaning. The writer will make exploration by suntiang will be stilation and processes using beading technique as visualization of the suntiang crown that can be developed in ready-to-wear deluxe design. The aim of this research is to explore the aesthetic potential and create a visual innovation in one of constituent ornamental variations. The methodology used in this research is qualitative research where the methods carried out include literature studies, interviews, observation, and exploration. Based on this method, it is hoped that new forms can be realized in visualizing suntiang crown inspiration. Keywords: Suntiang, Beading, Ready-to-Wear Deluxe.






Program Studi S1 Kriya