Pengaplikasian Teknik Block Printing Pada Kain Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (atbm)bertekstur


  • Ladysa Putri Yustian Telkom University
  • M. Sigit Ramadhan Telkom University


ABSTRACT In general, the fabric media used for block printing are fabrics that have smooth surfaces such as cotton, silk to linen. However, delicate fabrics are not found in the typical Indonesian fabric characteristics. Indonesian fabrics especially ATBM weaving has a characteristic on the surface of the fabric which tends to be rough because the yarn spinning is done traditionally by hand. From the characteristics of the Indonesian ATBM woven fabric which tends to be rough, it is seen the potential to develop the fabric media in the application of block printing techniques. This study uses qualitative methods in which there are literature studies, interview observations to exploration. Exploration is carried out to find images that can visualize the results of exploration. After exploration there is a visual form that has a correlation to exploration, namely the lichenes plant. Then the results of this study are deluxe ready to wear fashion clothing products because the process of making clothes takes quite a long time and is quite detailed. The main material used is textured ATBM woven fabric which is then applied by block printing technique using motifs inspired by lichenes plants. Adapting minimalist style by prioritizing simple and functional clothing pieces. So that it focuses on the fabric texture and motifs ATBM. Composition of motifs on ready to wear clothing is placed at the center of interest. Keywords: Block printing, ATBM weaving, lichenes






Program Studi S1 Kriya