Pengembangan Motif Menggunakan Pengolahan Kulit Umbi Singkong Sebagai Bahan Baku Alternatif Perintang Warna Pada Kain


  • Pera Dwianna Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


ABSTRACT In 2017, in the field of creative industries that have conducted research is a student named Hanifah Fitriani who examines the processing of cassava tuber skin into cassava paste as an alternative color barrier to textiles. Based on the results of his research, obtained a paste that can be applied optimally is cold pasta with thick consistency. The paste is then applied to textiles using a variety of plant decorative motifs inspired by the Cirendeu Indigenous Village. However, the use of cassava tuber skin paste used by Fitriani (2017) is still a coloring agent to produce a motif, not yet as a barrier to produce a motif. This is the background for continuing the research that was previously conducted by Fitriani (2017). In a previous study, producing motifs using cassava tuber skin paste technique. However, the research that will be continued is by developing the application of shapes or ornaments that are inspired by various decorative motifs in Indonesia by optimizing the paste so that it can function as a barrier to produce the motif. Keywords: Cassava peel, Pasta, Barriers, decorative motif






Program Studi S1 Kriya