Pengolahan Limbah Kemasan Sayur Dan Buah Supermarket Untuk Produk Fashion


  • Desak Gede Ratih Suryani Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


ABSTRAK Tingginya kebutuhan akan buah dan sayur segar di kalangan masyarakat turut meningkatkan jumlah limbah kemasan sekali pakai dari sayur dan buah yang terdapat di supermarket. Pengemasan sayur dan buah segar di supermarket dilakukan dengan menggunakan foam-net, waring dan plastic wrap karena bahan-bahan tersebut diketahui dapat menjaga kondisi sayur dan buah tetap terjaga dan mengurangi tingkat kerusakan dalam proses distribusi. Pengolahan kembali limbah kemasan sayur dan buah supermarket sekali pakai sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi polusi limbah tersebut. Salah satunya dengan mengolah limbah tersebut dengan beberapa teknik tekstil seperti heat press, layering, dan marbling sehingga layak menjadi raw material. Selanjutnya raw material yang telah diolah sebelumnya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan utama maupun bahan pendukung dari produk fashion dengan teknik manipulating fabric dan interlocking. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan variasi terhadap pengolahan lanjutan limbah kemasan sayur dan buah supermarket. Kata kunci: Limbah kemasan, supermarket, surface textile, recycle, interlock. ABSTRACT The high demand for fresh vegetables and fruit in the community has contributed to the increasing amount of disposable packaging/ wrapper waste from vegetables and fruits found in supermarkets. Vegetables and fruit wrapper in supermarket are generally use foam-net and waring because these materials are known to be able to maintain the condition of vegetable and fruit and reduce the level of damage while the distribution process. Reprocessing disposable of supermarket vegetable and fruit packaging/wrapper waste is urgently needed to reduce pollution of the waste. Some of them is by treating the waste with surface textile techniques such as heat press, layering, and marbling so it is feasible to become raw material. Furthermore, the raw material that has been previously processed can be used as the main material and supporting material for fashion products with manipulating fabric and interlocking techniques. The results of this study are expected to provide variations and innovation towards further processing of vegetable and fruit wrapper waste. Keywords: Packaging waste, supermarket, surface textile, recycle, interlock






Program Studi S1 Kriya