Pengolahan Limbah Sisa Produksi Dari Modest Wear Brand Di Bandung Untuk Produk Fashion Berdasarkan Inspirasi Getuk Lindri


  • Fitri Nur Khasanah Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


Abstrak Berkembangnya local brand modest wear di Bandung membuat proses produksi terus meningkat sehingga menyebabkan menumpuknya sisa produksi limbah kain. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengolah sisa produksi limbah kain local brand modest wear Bandung agar lebih optimal, juga menghasilkan produk fashion yang memiliki nilai dekoratif dan fungsional yang tinggi. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi secara langsung juga mewawancarai beberapa local brand modest wear di Bandung. Dari data yang diperoleh, salah satu brand menyebutkan bahwa limbah kain hanya dibuang ke Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPS) kurang lebih 15 kg setiap bulannya, ada juga yang menjual kepada pengepul limbah sebanyak 120 kg setiap bulannya untuk dijadikan isian boneka, lap oli bengkel. Sehingga berdampak tercemarnya lingkungan karena menumpuknya limbah kain yang sebenarnya dapat diolah menjadi produk fashion dengan teknik surface textile design dengan menambahkan lokal konten berupa jajanan tradisonal yaitu getuk lindri. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa produk yang hampir secara keseluruhan menggunakan limbah kain dari local brand tersebut menjadi busana ready to wear deluxe yang diproduksi secara terbatas. Kata kunci: Limbah kain local brand modest wear Bandung, surface textile design, getuk lindri. Abstract The development of local brand modest wear in Bandung made the production process continues to increase so that it caused the accumulation of residual waste textile production. This study aims to process the residual production of textile waste of Bandung local brand modest wear to be more optimal. This study is also conducted to produce fashion products that have high aesthetic and functional value.The data collection process was carried out by direct observation and also by interview of several local brand modest wears in Bandung. From the data obtained, one of the brands stated that the waste is only discarded to the Garbage Disposal Site (TPS) of approximately 15 kg every month. There were also those who sold it to waste collectors as much as 120 kg every month to be used as stuffing dolls or oil washcloths in the workshop. Therefore, it affected the environmental pollution because of the accumulation of waste that can actually be treated into fashion products with surface textile design techniques by adding local content in the form of traditional snacks, such as getuk lindri. The results of this research in the form of products that almost entirely use the waste of cloth from the local brand into a limited ready to wear deluxe. Keywords: Textile waste, Bandung local modest wear brand, Surface textile design, Getuk Lindri.






Program Studi S1 Kriya