Pengolahan Limbah Sisa Produksi Dari Modest Wear Brand Di Bandung Untuk Produk Fesyen Berdasarkan Inspirasi Kue Lapis Legit


  • Sania Nuri Islami Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


ABSTRACT At this time the modest fashion industry is developing very rapidly, for example some modest wear brands from Bandung, namely Zaha, Dya and Zyskuxena. However, the increase in modest wear production in Bandung is directly proportional to the large amount of fabric waste produced. The density of fabric waste from the production of modest wear produces several new problems, namely the availability of minimal space to store waste. Waste management is only sold and used as the contents of dolls or just thrown away. Therefore, the authors see the potential of the remaining fabric, which is reprocessed into fashion products that have aesthetic, functional and economic value. In the use of the rest of this fabric using the added application technique. The author also takes one of the local content to be used as inspiration, namely legit layer cake. This study uses qualitative methods of observation, interviews, literature studies and exploration to produce the composition of waste that will be used. Keywords: fabric waste, fashion products, modest wear, waste application techniques.






Program Studi S1 Kriya