Perancangan Busana Ready to Wear Dengan Inspirasi Cosplay Bergenre Magical Girl


  • Afriani Afriani Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


ABSTRACT Cosplay has become a trend in varius countries, one of which is in Indonesia. Cosplay is an abbreiviation of costume play, a fashion trend inspired by anime and manga characters. Bandung has a large Cosplay community called COSBAN, which is a place to shade the Cosplay community in Bandung. One third of the member are women, and one of the costumes that women are most interested in is the Magical Girl genre. The complexity of costumes makes it difficult for cosplayers to use in their daily lives even though they are very enthusiastic about the hobby. This is the reason for research in developing Ready to Wear clothing with the inspiration of the Magical Girl genre Cosplay using embroidery techniques to bring out the elements that exist in the Saior Moon character. This research uses qualitative methods as well as analysis through literature studies, searching journal data, books and conducting field observations, as well as exploring designs in Ready to Wear clothing. The design of Ready to Wear is inspired Cosplay with Sailor Moon characters that can be used in daily life or to record Japanese events. Using materials that absorb sweat, are mild, and not hot. Keywords: Community COSBAN, Cosplay, Ready to Wear ,Magical Girl






Program Studi S1 Kriya