Perancangan Busana Ready To Wear Untuk Travel Blogger Menggunakan Kain Tenun Lurik


  • Khalisa Nudiya Hurin Telkom University
  • Faradillah Nursari Telkom University


ABSTRACT Traveling is an activity that is currently one part of the generation Z lifestyle that was born since technology has existed and developed over time. By utilizing technology, finding and sharing information and traveling as a traveler is easier so becoming a travel blogger is a profession that is currently trending among Generation Z using social media. This can be an opportunity to design ready to wear clothing that can be used easily and comfortably for travel bloggers but still has aesthetic fashion value. In addition, the use of traditional fabrics such as lurik is developing and varies in terms of thickness, patterns, and colors as the main material for clothing so that the existence of lurik fabric is expanded by being introduced by travel bloggers through their social media. By using qualitative methods such as observing, interviewing, studying literature, and experimenting, this research aims to design a ready to wear fashion that has a sustainable fashion concept with zero waste pattern techniques and the use of traditional fabrics to support the Z generation who has the character of caring about environment and culture. In addition, this research is expected to be a useful reference to be developed further. Keywords: Ready To Wear, Traveling, Lurik Woven Fabric, Zero Waste






Program Studi S1 Kriya