Perancangan Produk Tas Sebagai Penunjang Kebutuhan Traveling Wanita Dengan Motif Perjalanan Pleasure Tourism


  • Rana Putrika Pradito Telkom University
  • Rima Febriani Telkom University


ABSTRACT Nowadays, traveling is one of the activities that are much in demand by women and become a lifestyle. Traveling interest is carried out because of the support of the internet mass media which has raised social media as a channelling media to display certain images that want to be displayed to audiences such as Instagram. Many enthusiasts in this traveling activity are urban/metropolitan women who earn every month, a fashionista, and likes to travel to tourist attractions that are rich in scenery such as beaches, hills, handmade craft store and others that support the activity of taking pictures of their appearance such as their look with all the fashion accessories that used. This gives rise to an idea or potential thing that can be developed, such as creating fashion complement that support the needs of these traveller that can be traded. The purpose of this research is to develop business opportunity planning by creating a traveling support product in the form of bag with a touch of decorative elements. The research method that used is the qualitative method of literature study and observation of the market segmentation of several local brand accessory used as a reference in the process of designing a bag. There is also an exploration method used are several Textile Structure techniques for the decorative elements on the bag. Keywords Fashion Complement, Traveller, Traveling, Bag, Local Brand.






Program Studi S1 Kriya