Perancangan Strategi Promosi Clothing Brand Pontte Di Kota Bandung


  • Rizky Purnomo Alfarihi Telkom University
  • Muhammad Hidayattuloh Telkom University
  • Erica Albertina Safari Telkom University


Abstrak Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penjualan clothing brand Pontte di kota Bandung dengan sampling di daerah kota Bandung dikarenakan di kota Bandung sangat terlihat penurunannya. Adapun latar belakang penulis ini menurunnya penjualan clothing brand Pontte karena kurangnya promosi yang dilakukan oleh clothing brand Pontte yang hanya membuat iklan cetak dan dipasang di toko clothing brand Pontte saja. Menurut survey lapanganclothing brand Pontte memiliki target penjualan yaknidalam kurun waktu satubulan harus menjual minimal 530 pasang kaos dari clothing brand Pontte. Tetapi, dari mulai Januari 2019 hingga Februari 2019 baru terjual 220 pasang kaos saja. Kata kunci : Clothing Brand Pontte, Menurunnya Penjualan, Promosi. Abstract This thesis writing aims to increase sales of Pontte's clothing brand in the city of Bandung by sampling in the area of the city of Bandung because the city of Bandung is very visible decline. The background of this writer is the decrease in sales of Pontte brand clothing because of the lack of promotion carried out by the Pontte brand clothing that only makes print advertisements and is installed in the Pontte brand clothing store only. According to the field survey the Pontte brand clothing has a sales target that is, within one month, it must sell at least 530 pairs of shirts from the Pontte clothing brand. However, from January 2019 until February 2019, only 220 pairs of T-shirts were sold. Keywords: Clothing Brand Pontte, Declining Sales, Promotion.






Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual