Perancangan Web Komik “ Just Staying At Home” Bertema Pandemik Covid-19.


  • Wildan Alief Gunawan Telkom University
  • Novian Denny Nugraha Telkom University


Abstrak Dari bulan Maret 2020, dunia terkena musibah wabah virus yang sangat menular, Virus tersebut adalah COVID-19 atau biasa di sebut virus corona. Virus ini mewabah di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Lalu menimbulkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat pemerintah, yaitu mengadakan PSBB dan adaptasi kebiasaan baru yang harus di biasakan untuk semua kalangan masyarakat. Remaja sekitar umur 13-19 tahun tidak luput dari keharusan kebiasaan baru ini, tetapi hasil satgas COVID19 ini banyak menyerang usia muda. Menurut hasil observasi Satgas Covid, usia usia muda banyak yang meremehkan protokol kesehatan, padahal sebenarnya di usia muda itu sangat rentan terpapar virus corona. Menurut Satuan Tugas COVID-19, Mencatat kelompok remaja usia 20 hingga 30 tahun menjadi sumber penulara virus corona tertinggi di Indonesia. Karena di usia segitu berada di usia produktif, umumnya sering lengah lantaran kerap masuk di kategori Orang Tanpa Gejala, padahal mereka menjadi kelompok yang memilik resiko tinggi penularan nya. Tujuan pembuatan komik ini untuk mengajak pembaca melakukan aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di rumah agar badan tetap fit dan sehat, dan juga melakukan Protokol Kesehatan saat ada di luar rumah pada masa pandemik ini supaya tetap aman dan kondusif. Kata Kunci : Komik, Web Komik, Ilustrasi, Virus, Pandemik, Covid-19 Abstract From March 2020, the world was hit by a highly contagious virus outbreak, the virus is Covid-19 or commonly known as the corona virus. This virus is endemic in the world, including Indenesia. Then it led to policies made by the government, namely holding the PSBB and adapting new habits that must be made accustomed to all corvles of society Adolescents around the age of 13 – 19 years do not escape this new habit, the result of the Covid-19 task force attack many young people. According to observation of the Covid Task Force, many young people underestimate health protocols, even though in fact at young age they are very vulnerable to being exposed to the corona virus. According to the Covid-19 Task Force, recording touth groups aged 20 to 30 years is the highest source of transmission of the corona virus in Indonesia. Because at that age they are in the productive age, generally they are often careless because they are often included in the category of people withous symptoms, even though they are the group that has a high risk of transmission. The purpose of making this comic is to invite readers to do activities that can be done at home to keep the body fit, healthy, and also to carry out health protocols when outside the home during this pandemic so that it remain safe and conductive. KeyWord : Comics, Web Comic, Illustration, Virus, Pandemic, Covid-19






Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual