Pengaplikasian Teknik Block Printing Pada Kain Organza Dengan Inspirasi Baju Bodo


  • Indayanti Sutisna Telkom University
  • M. Sigit Ramadhan Telkom University


ABSTRACT Block printing technique is one of the artistic textile printing techniques because the block printing results are not always perfect and cannot be copied by machines. In the process, the media usually uses natural fiber material. Therefore, this study aims to process the potential of the block printing technique on organza manifold synthetic fabrics. From the fabric that has been processed, modern clothes are designed with the inspiration of the traditional Bodo clothes. The data collection method used to obtain data was through field studies by observations on matters related to the concept of this research. Then literature and theory studies are also one of the methods carried out by looking for references from books or articles on matters related to research such as block printing techniques, organza synthetic fabrics, and traditional Bodo clothing. In order to create optimal research, block printing technique experiments were carried out on these materials. The result of this research is the block printing technique applied to organza synthetic fabrics into modern clothing inspired by the traditional Bodo clothing. Suggestions for this research are to do in-depth experiments such as paint selection, and the types of techniques in block printing itself in order to create an optimal final result. Keywords: Block printing, organza fabrics, and traditional Bodo clothing






Program Studi S1 Kriya