Pengolahan Kain Denim Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Tie Dye Dan Bleaching Untuk Perancangan Busana Ready To Wear


  • Aulia Muftia Tsani Telkom University
  • M. Sigit Ramadhan Telkom University


ABSTRACT The bleaching technique is one technique that secretes dark-coloured pigments produced by melanin cells using a specific chemical cream. Thus, the effect of being a fiber that is faded even colorless. Therefore, this research aimsto cultivate the potential owned by bleaching technique on denim fabric made from 100% cotton. From the fabric sheets are then designed modern fashion with the inspiration of island Takabonarete located in the city of Makasar. Data collection method used to obtain data is through field study by conducting surveys on bleaching techniques, interviews to the parties concerned with topics raised and observations about clothing with the concept of ready to wear. Then the study of literary literature and theory is also one of the methods done by looking for references from books or articles on matters related to research such as bleaching techniques, Denim fabrics, ready to wear, island Takabonarete and for the creation of optimal research, then the technique of bleaching technique experiments on the material. The result of this research is the technique of bleaching technique applied in Denim fabric into modern fashion inspired by Takabonarete Island was done. The advice for this research is to conduct a deep experimentation with the use of whitening fluid and the type of technique in the bleaching technique itself in order to create the optimal end result. Keywords : Bleaching techniques, Denim fabrics, Island Takabonerete and Ready to wear






Program Studi S1 Kriya