Perancangan Visual Website Waras Lab Sebagai Media Kampanye Mengenai Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut
Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) is an acute disease engaging respiratory tract, nasal cavity, sine, pharinx, or larynx. Until now, the number of death caused by URI is quite high, often because the patient was too late to be treated medically. Data from Puksesmas Electronics Information Management Sistem (Simpustronik) Ngawi Regency, East Java in 2013, shows that URI is most widely disease suffered by 55.328 people; 13, 91% from main 15 top suffered diseases by people in Ngawi. As a company engage in health industry in Ngawi Regency, Waras Laboratorium or mostly known as Waras Lab, is aware with that situation and willing to organize a campaign about it. The Campaign covers basic information about URI, the danger, the prevention and treatment, through website as a main information spreading media. By the campaign, people are expected to be aware and get sufficient information needed for maintaining self and environmental healthiness, especially for children. Beside that, it used by Waras Lab to gain and increase brand awareness from Ngawi’s people as well. Keyword: URI, disease, campaign, brand, awareness, websiteDownloads
Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual