Perancangan Buku Cerita Berilustrasi Legenda Situ Patenggang


  • Rezki Yudha Pratama Telkom University
  • Dewa Alit Dwija Putra Telkom University


Indonesia is a country that has a natural potential as a very high tourism. Enhancement of tourism in Indonesia lead to the increase in the negative impact of environmental destruction. This design aims to show storybook illustrations "Legenda Situ Patenggang" with the theme of love and preserve nature. Methods of data collection is through of observation, literature review, interviews and questionnaires. The analytical method used is a visual analysis by comparing the book of folklore that are now exist. Illustrated story book "Legenda Situ Patenggang" using attractive illustrations appropriate to children aged 6-12 years. The book is expected to act as a medium that can embed nature-loving attitude to early childhood. This book can also be used by the Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Bandung as an instrument of cultural recognition in the world of education. Keyword: Books, Folklore, Ilustration, Situ Patenggang






Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual