Perancangan Buku Panduan Merakit Model Kit Gundam
The increasing of Gundam hobby lovers , lead to the emergence of the beginner who is active in assembling Gundam model kits. This led to many complaints from the beginner, that says the assembling process is often difficult, and received a variety of problems. The difficulty of getting clear information about assembling is one of the cause. The difficulty of getting clear information on how to assemble, and any equipment needed, became one of the major reasons why beginners are still get difficulties in assembling Gundam model kits. In order to answer the above problems, the authors tried to obtain the information that needed with observation method on the object of research, literature, interview with relevant sources, and distributed questionnaires to respondents who represent the target audience that will be the target. Once the data is obtained then the author will design the appropriate information media. The selected media is a guide book to assemble Gundam model kits. Hopefully with this final project design, will be able to help beginners who love the Gundam hobby received information on how to assemble. In addition, this paper also expected to help others who need it. Keywords: Handbook, Gunpla, Gundam, CreativityDownloads
Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual