Redesign of Auto2000 Cirebon with a Brand Identity Approach


  • Viana Raisya Rachmadiani Telkom University
  • Vika Haristianti Telkom University
  • Athifa Sri Ismiranti Telkom University


Auto2000 is a network of sales, maintenance, repair and provision of official spare parts from the Toyota brand. As a showroom dealer, Auto2000 has a good relationship with its customers, as evidenced by several awards received by Auto2000 as the best car dealer in Indonesia. With the slogan "Toyota Matters Made Easy!", Auto2000 tries to make it easier and provide comfort to its customers in terms of facilities and services. From the results of the study, the ease and comfort claimed by Auto2000 have not been fully implemented in Auto2000 Cirebon, especially in the workspace and several facilities for customers. Auto2000 Cirebon must balance developments in accordance with the standards and identity of the Auto2000 brand, namely ease and comfort. Analysis of the problem using a brand identity approach with the theme "Introducing Warmth and Loyalty" as a solution to the problem. Introducing means introducing like Auto2000 which introduces its products to the public, warmth and loyalty means warmth and loyalty where Auto2000 builds good relationships with its customers. So this theme can represent Auto2000 as a showroom dealer that builds warm relationships with its customers and makes it easier for its customers to buy, sell and service cars.

Keywords: dealer, showroom, Auto2000 Cirebon, brand identity


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Program Studi S1 Desain Interior