Redesign of Favehotel Gatot Subroto Jakarta with a Brand Identity Approach


  • Anastasya Thalita Haryanto Telkom University
  • Santi Salayanti Telkom University
  • Djoko Murdowo Telkom University


FaveHotel Gatot Subroto Jakarta is a 3-star hotel located on Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. This hotel provides rest areas for guests who travel or activities in Jakarta. Facilities offered include lobbyists, receptionists, restaurants, employee rooms, gyms, kitchens, per-type rooms, meeting rooms, and employee lockers. To improve the visitor experience, an interior redesign with the theme "Cohesion in Space Design" and the concept of "Brand Functional Alignment". This design will pay attention to elements such as floors, walls, and ceilings to create a comfortable atmosphere and fit the image of the hotel. Methods to be used include brainstorming, mid mapping, moodboard, and prototype methods.

Keywords: favehotel, redesigned,brand identity, space design


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Program Studi S1 Desain Interior