Redesign of Lombok International Airport with a Lombok Cultural Approach


  • Dara Surya Sabila Telkom University
  • Vika Haristianti Telkom University
  • Aida Andrianawati Telkom University


Lombok is one of several beautiful islands in West Nusa Tenggara Province, and is one of the tourist destination cities in Indonesia. Lombok International Airport (BIL) is a means of supporting air transportation accessibility which has a role as a gateway to tourism and culture in Lombok. In realizing the function and standards of the airport as a gateway, BIL has a role in introducing, representing, and being able to become an icon for the island of Lombok. The interior of the airport terminal which has the potential to introduce Lombok culture is still minimal and does not have strong characteristics to present Lombok culture. In responding to existing problems and phenomena, there are several stages carried out in the process of redesigning Lombok International Airport. Starting from field surveys, determining design objects, library and literature studies, interviews, and holding discussions related to design to produce the final design for the interior of Lombok International Airport. Based on the results of these stages, the concept that is considered to be able to solve interior problems is Sense of Lombok Culture. It is hoped that the application of this concept can achieve final interior design results that are able to realize the role of Lombok's tourism and cultural gateway.

Keywords: redesign, airport, interior, culture, Lombok


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Program Studi S1 Desain Interior