
  • Zaidan Mufid Wibawa Telkom University
  • Hardy Adiluhung Telkom University
  • Chris Chalik Telkom University


Abstract : This research is motivated by a direct review that occurred in the field during
the trial activities at PT. Pindad, namely the inefficiency of the mannequin transfer process
because the transfer still uses a time-consuming dismantling and reassembly process
because it does not allow the use of a hydraulic jack to transport the machine, because
the field trial field does not match the specifications of the machine jack which has limited
specifications. Therefore, the researcher had the idea to create a special tool for the
purpose of moving the vehicle trial mannequin that adopts a similar system or mechanism
more efficiently. The purpose of this study is to design a vehicle trial mannequin transport
tool that can support efficient trial needs with a compact size. The method used in this
study is a qualitative method, through this descriptive analysis will help the author to
summarize and interpret the data obtained in a systematic and objective manner.

Keywords: transport, mannequin, transportation, military


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Program Studi S1 Desain Produk