Pemanfaatan Sampah Kemasan Botol Kaca Menjadi Produk Aksesoris Fashion


  • Anggun Nursakti Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


Garbage is still a serious problem today, which is likely to continue growing garbage is packaging waste in the form of glass bottles for many beverage products practical / fast. Glass bottle s included in the list of waste that can not be biodegradable, and if let it accumulate will pose some problems, such as health problems and environmental pollution. One way that can be applied in an attempt to minimize garbage glass bottles is to reuse the material into different products or called by recycling. This is also to reduce the accumulation of garbage glass bottles, as well as increase the economic value into goods - goods that are useful in the study of glass bottles will be made into fashion accessories as necklace rustic style, rustic is a style that focuses on natural impression, from material t hat is not finished or polished, such as wood, stone, metal, and so on. Crochet technique is also used in the manufacture of these accessories. Keywords : Glass Bottles, Necklace, Rustic.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode