Pengolahan Limbah Styrofoam Menjadi Produk Fashion


  • Sandra Khairunnisa Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


The use of styrofoam recently increased among the public. Not only used as a protective electronic device, Styrofoam is also used for food. Character styrofoam is lightweight, efficient, and can withstand temperatures make this material widely used. The use of disposable styrofoam which only makes the life cycle of styrofoam short-lived and if disposed will result in large amounts of waste. Styrofoam is a material that can not be decomposed by soil until whenever for the chemicals therein and for styrofoam including inorganic waste. Lack of styrofoam waste processing into one of the unresolved issues. With this background, the author tries to make a fashion product using styrofoam material with an exploration of wearing various types of gasoline and make styrofoam into new materials. In this design is expected to reduce styrofoam waste, add lifecycle styrofoam and made of styrofoam as a fashion item of economic value and aesthetic. Keyword: Styrofoam Waste, Fashion Product, Fashion Accessories






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode