perancangan media kampanye sosial "surat bicara" untuk pelajar usia 11 hingga 14 tahun
Nowadays correspondence have started to disappear with the community has been the shift to digital-based media. Therefore many young people today don’t know how to send a letter through the post office and they are also not aware of the benefits of writing a letter. For an activity that needs to be made to educate the target audience, especially for students, will benefit from the letter. The method used to obtain the data in this study is to use the method of literature study, observation, questionnaires and interviews. Results of data collection is then analyzed and used as a basis in drafting and design. As a result, designing media that educate for adolescents must be in accordance with their characteristics are vibrant, using characters and icons that are attractive to use warm colors and typefaces Sans Serif types. Digital-based media used for education because this type of media is very close to the target audience. The benefits of this activity is to inform the benefits of writing a letter to the youth student and also invites them to new experiences by sending a letter