perancangan media promosi museum ruwa jurai lampung


  • rio andika Telkom University
  • mohamad tohir Telkom University
  • donny trihanondo Telkom University



Museum Ruwa Jurai Lampung had been build as the central of cultural development to introduce about foretime cultural heritage goods to the next generation and eventually can be used as an education place. Because the visitor from juniot high school, senior high school, even college student are still have less interest to come to visit the museum ruwa jurai if they dont have any task from school. Data collected by using obsevation methode, literature study, interview and questionnaire to know and analysis the media and the right concept in the design of the right promotion media to the target audience. Observation methode has been done by directly review to the museum. And literature review as the rasionale on the media promotion design. At the same time, the interview has been done with the head of services and the visitors of the museum. And the questionnares have been deployed to some schools and college in Bandar Lampung, north Lampung, central lampung, paringsewu and metro. A creative festival with verbal approach by using tagline and visual approach by using vector element and icon/ mascot muli mekhanai as the creative design. Moreover, Barcode and glow in the dark have been used as another creative concept. The result of the right media promotion design to the target audience are print poster and digital poster, magazine ads, social media, X-banners, banners and souvenires with the expected to get more visitors of museum especially from the students. Keyword : Museum, Ruwa Jurai, Lampung, Media Promotion, Students.






Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual