Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Jenis Pp (polyropylene) Sebagai Material Pada Tas Laundry


  • Ida Salina Juli Cristina Yustika Beru Ginting Telkom University
  • Aldi Hendrawan Telkom University


Plastic is a material which is very close to society. The existence of plastic as a wrapping media has given ease for daily activities. However, plastic is a material that is difficult to discompose and could also give bad effect to the environment. Based on the data of Bandung local company of hygiene, most generated plastic waste is the waste obtained from domestic industries. One of domestic industries that give huge effect on the addition of plastic waste amount is laundry. The use of laundry service, especially by Telkom University student, in fact, has generated quite huge amount of plastic waste, which is clothes wrapper plastic. Thus, a solution has to be given to minimize the use of plastic to wrap clothes in laundry service. The used method in this research is qualitative and experimentative method, where plastic as the research object is treated using heating technique to optimize the characteristic of plastic surface. The exploration result is then applied as laundry bag and could solve the student problem of the difficulties in finding the wrapping media which is sufficient to wrap high amount of clothes. By this research, it could be concluded that plastic has nature and characteristic that could be treated as a product having estetic value and benefit in helping student daily activities.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode