Eksplorasi Limbah Gelas Plastik Untuk Diterapkan Pada Produk Fesyen


  • Silkyane Seizaria Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Telkom University


Background by the habits of the people of Indonesia is known for the habit of using objects that are practical. Among them are beverages with plastic glass packaging. Many factors that make people tend to choose to use objects that are practical, such as easier to obtain, the convenience because only disposable to economic factors because objects with practical packaging tend to be cheaper. However, the usage habits are not accompanied by the habit of managing waste properly, so this habit is increasingly causing problems to accumulate waste in the environment. Therefore, research on waste plastic waste in the Bank Sampah Bersinar using observation method, interview method, literature study method and experimental method. The authors are interested to continue the simple alternative of plastic glass waste treatment that has been done by BSB to have more use and aesthetic value, using heating technique with additional material such as organza and plastic bag and then made beads to be applied to fashion accessories products.

Keywords : Waste, Glass, Plastic, Heating, Fashion Accessories






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode