Pemanfaatan Jump Ring Dengan Teknik Chainmaille Sebagai Perhiasan Wanita


  • Alissa Amelia Telkom University
  • Rika Nugraha Telkom University


The way how people do dress up with accessories become the complement things of their looks. Accessories product has some material which is main material and component material. From this component material, there is one component which is able to be used the potential material than the other, it is called jump ring. Jump ring can be used with chainmaille technique. Chanmaille is the technique that combine one rings to the other ring to match with the pattern that has been determined and it can be a chain or a sheet of chaimaille. Chainmaille has been longest technique from a long time a go and it’s often be used by crafters to make armour for soldiers. Time after time, the armour that made by chainmail technique become the one of inspiration for the designers to explored their creativity. Based on chainmail’s creation, the writer will do the chainmail exploration to development a product with geometric pattern like triangle, square and hexagonal pattern. 

Key words : chainmaille, jump ring, jewelry, pattern, geometric






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode