Pengembangan Propagul Kering Tanaman Bakau (rhizophora Spp.) Sebagai Pewarna Alam Dengan Teknik Celup Rintang


  • Wildah Nur Halizah Telkom University
  • Citra Puspitasari Telkom University


Mangroves produce propagules or germinated mangrove fruits which are used in the process of planting mangroves. In its regeneration, a mangrove tree will produce 10% - 20% of dried propagules, and this amount will increase to 30% if the rainfall is too high. The dry propagules is potential for use as a natural dye for textile. The result of staining without adding any other substances produced a brownish color on the cloth. A longer dyeing process would result in a thicker and darker color. The addition of mordant to the dyeing produced diverse colors. The color resulted during the dyeing process depended on the mordant, time, temperature, and number of dyeing. The fabric processing using resist dyeing technique would produce more varied patterns. From this study, it’s indicated that dry propagules can be used as an alternative for natural dye, which can be applied to the fabrics of various sizes.

Keywords: Resist dyeing, natural dye, mangrove propagule (Rhizophora spp.)






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode