Analysis at Correlation between Café Trend in Bandung and Behaviour Changes of Their Customers


  • Zeyna Ayudhia Ramadhani Telkom University
  • Yoga Pujiraharjo Telkom University
  • Hardy Adiluhung Telkom University


ABSTRAK Growth of technology and food bussines in Bandung have a big impact with lifestyle of people in this place, especially young people. Upnormal café is one of the café that use this phenomenon. From the observation in this café, There are some changes in habit of female collage student in doing their works. Before, doing homeworks identicwith quietness, but now most of the female collage students are doing their homeworks together while hang-out and eat at café. Unfortunately, design on café was not made for that activity which make difficulty on tools and food set up on café table that not too broad. So there’s many changes in product that used by the café owner or even the customer dan compliment this phenomenon.
Keyword : Café, Product Design, Customers Behaviour






Program Studi S1 Desain Produk