Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Sejarah Singkat Jurnalistik Indonesia Era Kolonial Hingga Digital


  • Syahzanan Haunan Fatharani Telkom University
  • Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata Telkom University


ABSTRAK Jurnalistik berperan sebagai salah satu penyebar informasi dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Literasi jurnalistik berbentuk teks dan visual tidak hanya dalam media cetak, kini telah beradaptasi dengan media komunikasi baru atau media online. Sehingga, informasi menjadi sangat mudah disebarkan dan diakses oleh masyarakat. Realita ini memengaruhi semakin mudah dan disebarkannya berita palsu atau hoax kepada masyarakat. Informasi yang disodorkan kepada masyarakat begitu banyak karena proses produksi informasi tersebut yang semakin cepat. Kenyataan tersebut berbanding terbalik dengan masyarakat Indonesia yang umumnya belum terliterasi secara menyeluruh dan mudah terhasut berita di media massa tanpa mengecek kebenaran berita tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya rancangan media yang berfokus mengenalkan sejarah jurnalistik di Indonesia, berupa buku ilustrasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini yaitu observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan analisis data dengan matriks perbandingan. Pendekatan humanistik digunakan dalam perancangan ini merujuk kepada kultur kasual yang sesuai dengan target audiens yaitu generasi millennial. Buku ilustrasi ini membahas (a) sejarah jurnalistik dunia, (b) sejarah jurnalistik Indonesia, dan (c) tokoh-tokoh jurnalistik Indonesia. Diharapkan buku ilustrasi ini bisa memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat tentang sejarah singkat - jurnalistik Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Buku Ilustrasi, Sejarah, Jurnalistik ISSN : 2355-9349 e-Proceeding of Art & Design : Vol.5, No.3 Desember 2018 | Page 1482 ABSTRACT Journalism has help Indonesia on getting their independence by being one of the medium of spreading any information related to the struggle on the war. These Journalism literacy in the form of text and visual are not only found in printed news media, but now has been adapted into media platform. The news is now easier to be shared and accessed by people. This reality has also influenced fake news (hoax) to be more easily spreaded within the people. The fast production of news has become too hard to process by the people because of its big amount. However, the changing progress of this information process were not in accordance with Indonesian people understanding of literation. Therefore, few people were still incited by the news from the mass media which they did not double checked the facts first. In reference to the problem that has been stated before, a media design which focuses on introducing a brief history of Indonesian journalism is needed and it is in a form of illustration book. The methods that have been used for this design research were observation, interview, literature study, and data analysis using comparison matrix. Humanistic approach was also used in refer to the casual culture within the targeted audiences who are the millennial generation. This illustration book contains (a) a brief history of the journalism world, (b) a brief history of Indonesian journalism, and (c) Indonesian journalist figures. Hopefully, this illustration book can be a reference on introducing a brief history of Indonesian journalism. Keyword : Illustration Book, History, Journalism






Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual