Perancangan Interior Jogja Creative Hub Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


  • Arini Diar Iswari Telkom University
  • Hendi Anwar Telkom University
  • Rangga Firmansyah Telkom University


Abstrak Selama ini, sektor pariwisata telah menjadi sektor utama dalam pereknomian DIY seperti destinasi wisata alam, peninggalan sejarah, dan juga wisata belanja. Wisata belanja disini didukung oleh peranan para pelaku Industri Kreatif Kriya di DIY. Karena itu apabila para pelaku Industri Kreatif tidak didukung secara optimal, maka potensi wisata belanja pun tidak akan optimal. Selain Kriya, masih banyak sektor Industri Kreatif yang sedang berkembang dan juga berperan dalam Perekonomian DIY. Namun di DIY sendiri, dari 16 subsektor Industri Kreatif baru 4 subsektor saja yang telah didukung secara optimal oleh Pemerintah dan yang lainnya belum didukung secara optimal. Masih sedikit fasilitas yang tersedia untuk subsektor Industri Kreatif yang lain. Berdasarkan permasalahan itulah, perancangan Yogya Creative Hub perlu dilakukan untuk mewadahi kegiatan kreatif para pelaku Industri Kreatif di DIY. Para pelaku Industri Kreatif dapat menyalurkan ide kreatifnya dan juga dapat merasakan bagaimana suatu proses membuat karya berlangsung. Selain itu tempat ini dapat menarik minat para wisatawan untuk ikut belajar dan mengetahui bagaimana proses dan hasil karya Industri Kreatif di DIY sehingga dapat menaikan nilai perekonomian DIY. Kata Kunci: Jogja Creative Hub, DIY, Perancangan Interior Abstract As we know, tourism sector has been the main sector in Special Region of Yogyakarta’s economy all the time, such as natural tourism, historical heritage, and shopping destination that spread in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Here, shopping tourism is supported by Creative Industry Craft perpetrators in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Therefore, if the perpetrators are not optimally supported, then the potential for shopping will not be optimal. Besides Craft, there are still many creative industry sector which is growing, and involved in Special Region of Yogyakarta’s economy. However, from 16 creative industry sub-sector, there are only 4 sub-sectors which has been optimally supported by government, while the rest have not. There are still few facilities available for other Creative Industry sub-sector. Based on the problem identified, designing Yogya Creative Hub needs to be done in order to accommodate the activities of Creative Industries perpetrators in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Both Creative Industry perpetrators and citizens can channel their creative ideas, also to know and feel how a process of making a work takes place. Moreover, the other benefits are to attract the interest of tourists to get learn or know how the process and the work of Creative Industry in Special Region of Yogyakarta, so it can increase the economic value of Special Region of Yogyakarta. Keyword: Jogja Creative Hub, DIY, Interior Design






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior