Pengolahan Sisa Kain Jeans Menggunakan Teknik Tekstil Sebagai Produk Fesyen


  • Hasna Husni Agus Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


ABSTRACT At this time denim and jeans products growing rapidly, one of the places of denim and jeans production is located in Tamim street, Bandung. Street Tamim is one of the sales centers of various kinds of jeans material. In addition to selling jeans material there is a home industry that makes the confection of denim products and jeans. The rest of the fabric produced in the home industry of the confection is partly sold to the collector and some of it is just thrown away. Therefore the authors see the potential of the rest of the fabric, in order to be able to make jacket and vest products that have aesthetic value, functional and economical. In the utilization of the rest of this cloth will be processed using textile techniques that will eventually be used as matching materials and as surface design. This research uses literature study method by searching data through journals, books and articles, observation method by visiting one home industry confection where the remnant of fabric comes from, field study method with interview of confection home industry owner and experiment method by doing exploration using textile technique on the rest jeans cloth. The next process is to classify the rest of the fabric according to size to facilitate the initial exploration experiment process. In the initial exploratory experiment process produces the most optimal technical techniques in the processing of residual jeans, namely quilting, weaving, patchwork, bleaching and hand embroidery techniques. Then in the next experiment produces a composition to then enter the final exploration process. The final exploration process produces the remaining fabric in the form of sheets to then be used as an equivalent material or application add to the product. Fashion apparel products are an increasingly high need and one of the apparel menswear products is therefore the product that is produced is a jacket and vest to support the needs of the target market. Keywords: fashion, jeans, confection, waste, textiles.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode