Pengolahan Tekstur Menggunakan Material Lem Silikon Dengan Teknik Rekalatar Tekstil Pada Produk Tas


  • Ajeng Arsy Nurmirajani Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


Abstract As the development of the era, textile manufacture is no longer just as a form of fulfillment of physical function, but also pay attention to its aesthetic function. Various designs on the processing techniques and materials used can be differentiated on products made so that it has its own characteristics and the identity of the product. as a new material in textile processing, silicone glue has the potential to be the main material in the processing of surface design techniques so as to produce texture on the fabric surface for a fashion product that is expected to provide an alternative design in the fashion industry. Then look at the potential of silicone material can be made efforts to develop the design of fashion accessories products that have its own characteristics. Keywords : New material, silicon glue, texture, fashion accessories.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode