Perancangan Batik Dengan Menggunakan Alat Sederhana Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Cap


  • Tia Harfinasari Sukarna Telkom University
  • Mochammad Sigit Ramadhan Telkom University


ABSTRACT Batik grows rapidly, many people are interested in batik because it not only can be used in normal events but also in informal events. Development of batik covers some aspects such as aesthetic, technological and functional side. Along with the times, batik cloth is developed well throught technical aspects because it requires a long time. Based on the explanation, an effort is needed to produce an innovation in the development of batik by exploration in the technical side, especially on the process of applying the wax by using simple tools that we used everyday, in order to be able to fill the demand of batik. The method used in this study is qualitative method, because it studies the literature and the results of the survey process and indirect observation in several networking sites and Instagram accountd with purpose to find the costumer profile. The next step is to conduct an exploration process with the use of everyday objects that have a handy things especially thread and cardboard tape to be used as a replacement for the stamp in general way of batik making. The most optimal modification using electrical tape and paper, fabric dyes using napthol dyes, the result of exploration process using threads and cardboard tape can be applied to clothes and folded sarong. Keywords : development of batik, technical aspects, simple tools.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode