Perancangan Busana Designer Wear Dengan Aksentuasi Beading Melalui Pounce Method


  • Sekar Ayu Maharani Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Agustina Siagian Telkom University


ABSTRACT In the last few years, there has been rising demands for unique women fashion products that are made with high craftsmanship such as beads accentuation. Through observation that has been done, such fashion products are categorized as Designer Wear. Designer Wear are ready-to-wear attire that are available in sizes, therefore the accuracy of beads accentuation placement is essential. Such accuracy can be achieved through Pounce Method. Pounce Method is a method to transfer accentuation motives onto fabric with paper as the medium. Beads accentuation through Pounce Method application is expected to add aesthetics value, craftsmanship and as a specialty for the designer wear fashion product featured. In this research, data were obtained through qualitative method of literature study and through observation. Experiment method was also carried out in this research to acquire the best output from the exploration of non-textile materials that has been processed to be applicable onto fabric with surface design technique. Key words: Beads accentuation, Designer Wear, Pounce Method.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode