Perancangan Motif Dengan Menggunakan Software Jbatik Untuk Kemeja Pria


  • Ambar Nabiilah Darmawan Telkom University
  • Morinta Rosandini Telkom University


ABSTRACT Motif is a scale pattern that requires ornamentation and has a repetition characteristic in its design. One company in Indonesia created a software to create a motif that has its own motive character. The motive that will be designed is the Aloha shirt motif. This shirt product is suitable for use in Indonesia, because Indonesia is a tropical country and an island nation. In this study the author made the development of the Aloha shirt motif by using the Jbatik software which has modules that are inspired by elements of Indonesian local culture (batik cloth). In the design of the motif will be added elements of Indonesian local culture, but still have the same design line with the motif of aloha shirts in general and provide variations on the motif of Aloha shirts. Keywords: motif, Jbatik, aloha shirt.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode